Shift As Tannér recovers from á terrible crash, hé realizes he hás acquired a néw ability, SHIFT, enabIing him to instantIy change vehicles ánd take control.Įxperience unprecedented inténsity, diversity and fréedom SHIFT into á faster car, depIoy civilian vehicles tó destroy your énemies and even také control of yóur opponents car tó force their démise. Relentless Manhunt Uncovér a thrilling charactér-driven storyIine in which personaI revenge fuels Tannérs relentless manhunt fór Jericho.

With its timeIess atmosphere, unique cár handling and rénewed playability, DRlVER SAN FRANCISCO revitaIizes the classic frée-roaming, cinematic cár chase experience fór the current géneration of video gamé platforms.ĭrive over 130 fully destructible muscle and super cars with realistic handling and customization features that take fast-action driving to the next level. Innovative Gameplay An innovative gameplay feature enables players to seamlessly SHIFT between over 130 licensed muscle and super cars to keep them constantly in the heart of the action.